Friday, October 24, 2008
Now on our website
Click here to check out the "student devotional" section on our page and keep up with the study.
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Day 159...Nowhere to Go
King Asa was in a tough spot. An invading army was coming and it was way bigger than his own army. If you were one of the King's advisers, you would probably be advising him to work out some kind of deal to avoid a fight because there was no way you could win a fight against an army that much bigger than yours.
If your life has been anything like mine, then you have problems that are way bigger than you can handle. Whether it's friendship stuff, family stuff, purity stuff, or whatever, you're staring at something too big for you to tackle.
We can learn from Asa's example because he made the right move and his "too big" problem was wiped out. Asa ran to God and called out for His help. He prayed to God and then obeyed what God told him to do. Doesn't work for you? That may be because we often pray to God and then run off without waiting to hear what He has to say.
The next time you have a "too big" problem in your life, run to God (pray about it) and then don't do anything until you hear what God has to say. Trust Him...He'll be there for you.
Pastor Dave
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Day 146...Don't they get it?
It's easy for us to jump on the Israelites case and say how stupid they were for not realizing who Jesus was and believing that He was the Messiah. But I have often wondered...if I lived then, would I be one of the ones following Jesus or one of the ones calling for His death? Would I understand the words He said and the things He taught or would I think He was crazy? Would I see the amazing things He did and know that He was from God?
Jesus isn't physically walking around with us today, but many people are asking these same questions about Him. Can I trust what He taught? Did He really do those things? Is He really God?
As His followers, it's our job to help these people think through their questions and share with them how Jesus has proven Himself to be real in our lives.
- What questions do you have about Jesus and your life?
- How has Jesus proven Himself to be real and true to you?
- Pray for your friends that are not following Jesus and ask God to open their hearts and minds to Him.
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Day 138...Your Life in Pictures
Woohoo! This is one of my favorite verses. I love the messages packed into it...but we'll get to that in a minute. First I want to tell you about my yearbook pictures during elementary school. Other than different clothing styles, they looked a lot like yours did. I got a little older in each one and there were subtle differences here and there. The most dramatic difference was between 4th and 5th grades. A few genetics must have kicked in and I added some solid weight to the same height body. In other words, I went from an average sized kid to a chubby kid.
This great verse reminds us that, just like our year book pictures showed physical changes, we are changing spiritually. Sometimes it's a gradual and constant change and sometimes it's a dramatic change. But we are always changing. God is at work in us to make us look more and more like Him. But you can't see these changes in a regular picture. We would need a camera that can see our hearts. Looking more like God is all about the change IN us.
- How have you seen yourself change on the inside to look more like God?
- What do you think is the top thing God would like to change IN you right now? Pray and ask Him to focus on that thing and make the change.
Pastor Dave
Monday, September 29, 2008
Day 137...School Smarts
I hope you achieve two things in your career as a student. First, learn stuff. You're probably a smart kid, but there's a ton of stuff you don't know about the world around you. Taking school seriously and doing the hard work is the best way to learn a lot of the stuff you'll need to get where you want to go in life. Learn stuff.
Second, I hope you find wisdom. Wisdom is knowing how to use all the stuff you learn. For example, you might learn how to do CPR and save a life. Wisdom helps you know who needs CPR so that you're not trying to save someone who isn't dying (that could be awkward).
This translates easily to your spiritual life too, by the way. There's lots of stuff we need to learn about God. And He wants to give us wisdom so that we know how to use all the stuff we learn about Him (James 1:5). If learning about math matters, learning about God REALLY matters!
- Think about it: are you making the effort to learn the stuff you need to know from school and about God?
- Pray and ask God to give you more and more wisdom as you learn more stuff about life and Him.
Pastor Dave
Day 135...The Art of Endurance
This is so cool! Today's verses fit perfectly with one of the things we discussed in WIRED yesterday. If you weren't there, one of the things we talked about from the life of Elijah was the fact that nothing is hidden from God and He will deal with the bad choices we make. Check out 1 Kings 21 for a good example (focus on King Ahab).
These verses in Galatians speak about this by saying that those who ignore God and live only for themselves will earn spiritual death but those who live for God will earn eternal life. Bottom line: no one slips beneath God's radar; He sees how we are living and He will deal with us accordingly.
Some days it's going to be tough to live for God. He encourages us to not grow tired and to keep on doing good to others because He is working through us and we will make a difference in other's lives.
- If you had to give your life a grade for living for God, what would you get? Ask God to help you live more for Him and less for yourself.
- What's one practical way you can live for God in your school this week?
Pastor Dave
Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 128...Heading Home
Most people don't like to feel out of place or like they don't fit where they are. How would you feel, for example, if you were wearing your best Hawaiian hula skirt to the fall dance at school? Probably a little self-conscious and awkward.
But when it comes to followers of Jesus relating to the world around them, we should feel out of place. This world is broken and it's running by the rules of sin right now. We are following the rules and lifestyle of God's Kingdom. Those two don't fit together at all. It's a tough line to walk between wanting to connect with and reach out to non-Christians and beginning to act and look like one of them.
- Examine your life. Based on your life, would anyone guess that you're a follower of Jesus?
- If you are blending too much with the world around you, ask God to show you what needs to change.
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Day 123...Get Real
Faith is sometimes misunderstood. Some people think that having faith means ignoring realities or being dumb enough to fall accept something without any real reason. But those people couldn't be more wrong!
Having faith in God doesn't mean ignoring the facts or realities. Look at Abraham in these verses. He knew that the facts said there was no way he was going to have kids. He was 100 years old - way beyond prime years for starting a family. Abraham didn't ignore the facts; he knew there was a bigger fact involved - God.
And having faith in God isn't falling for something without reason. Abraham knew he could trust God because of all the things he had seen God do. It's not dumb acceptance to trust someone after you have seen they have the power to do what they say they will do over and over again.
Having faith means accepting the facts of reality and knowing that God has the power to overcome those facts to make His plan happen.
- What "fact" or "reality" in your life seems to big to overcome (parents divorce, moving to a new city or school, etc.)?
- Pray and ask God to help you have the faith that He can overcome these things to make His plan happen in your life.
Pastor Dave
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day 118...Big Bad Momma
People are funny. When things are going good, we forget how much we need God. When we're making lots of money we forget that God provides for us. When we are safe and healthy we forget that God is our protector. Sadly, sometimes it takes a tragedy or hardship to remind us that we can't really handle life on our own. While this may be true for most people most of the time, I don't think God wants us to live in this pattern of remembering and forgetting Him. Let's make it our desire to remember God and rely on Him regardless of how good or bad life is going for us.
- Take a moment and write out all the things that God does in your life. Then post that up somewhere you'll see it regularly and thank God for one of them each time you see it.
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Day 116...Quit Gawking
I really appreciate the story in these verses because I think it speaks to a problem we have in our culture. Most people (all the ones I know...and even myself at times) think of painful or unpleasant things as "bad." Something must be going wrong if I'm not happy or if the situation didn't turn out like I hoped it would.
These verses remind us that there is a much bigger plan at work in our world and our lives. I'm sure this blind man wasn't happy about being blind, but his condition was bigger than just his life. He didn't know it, but his blindness fit into God's plan for bringing salvation to mankind by helping to show Jesus' power to heal.
As you go through life, realize that God will use your problems and pains to bring about good (that doesn't always mean happy) things in your life or someone else's life. Let's stop whining about the things we don't like and trust that God has a plan for our lives.
- Think of one "bad thing" in your life and ask God to show you how He plans to bring something good out of it.
- Ask God to develop in you an attitude of thankfulness even when you're not happy about something.
Pastor Dave
Friday, September 5, 2008
Day 111...Wax Worship
We all have people that we look up to and respect. And because these people can have a ton of influence in our lives, we need to make sure that they are people who will point us towards Jesus, not pull us away from Him.
Paul gives us a few guidelines from his own life that we can use to help us decide how much we should look up to a person and follow their example.
- Do their words match up with God's words in the Bible?
- Does their life mirror the life that Jesus wants us to live (they don't have to be perfect)?
- Is their faith in Jesus evident in their life?
- Do they show the fruit of the Spirit? - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
- Is their faith deep enough to stand up under suffering and persecution?
As you decide for yourself whom you will look up to and whose example you will follow, think about these questions and how well the person's life can answer them. Make sure you follow people that will help you follow Jesus!
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Day 102...Champions
Sometimes you don't want to know how something is going to turn out. If you're watching a movie for the first time, you don't want someone to yell out how the movie ends. But sometimes, it would be really great to know how something ends. If you're in a fist fight (I've never been in a fist fight!) it would be really great to know if you're going to win. That would give you such a boost of confidence and encouragement!
You could think of our lives like a fist fight. We are in a fight to live by Jesus' values, a fight to put our sinful selves to death, a fight to help those that are suffering. And we can know how this fight is going to end...we WIN!! The Bible tells us that one day Jesus will return to this earth and He's going to defeat every enemy. If you're on His side, you win!
The Bible also tells us that He will never leave us or quit on us. So we are guaranteed that Jesus will never kick us off His team. Our part is to stick by Him. If we persevere (never give up) then we will be right beside Jesus when He is celebrating His victory in the fight. We might be a little beat up, but we'll be on the winning team and our eternal life will be worth the fight to get there.
- Have you committed your life to be Jesus' follower? If not, drop me an email and we can talk.
- Pray to God and ask Him to continue the work He is doing in you and to help you persevere in your faith.
Pastor Dave
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Day 96...Looking Good
Many people spend a ton of time and money getting their outward appearance just right. They don't even realize that their inward appearance is worse than a dirty bum who hasn't showered in 4 months.
I'm sure that on some level God cares what our outward appearance looks like (He wants us to take care of our bodies). But the Bible makes it clear that God mostly looks right past all of that to stare into our hearts. He is way more interested in our inward appearance. Micah 6:8 makes it really simple to understand. What does God want to see in our hearts? - do right, be kind, and be humble towards God. When God sees those things in our hearts, it puts a big smile on His face!
- What is one practical way you can do right in your ordinary day?
- Who can you show kindness to in a practical way?
- Pray that God will show you how to be humble towards Him.
Pastor Dave
Monday, August 18, 2008
Day 93...No Brainer
Most people are at least a little bit concerned about their appearance. Some people are REALLY concerned about their appearance. I personally try to take care of how I look. I shower every day, I shave and trim my hair, I wear clean clothes, I even go to the gym (occasionally). But just taking care of the outside misses the most important part of us.
God says that we are made in Him image. That truth actually has little (maybe nothing) to do with how we look. It's all about the inner us - our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs - and how we live our lives.
These verses are calling us to put off the "old self" which was twisted by sin and embrace the "new self" we have been given by Jesus. Paul says to tune our minds and hearts to God's frequency in heaven so that the inner us and our actions will look more and more like God.
Here's something to consider: spiritual maturity is not measured by how much you know, but by how much you love.
- How can a person tune their heart and mind to God's frequency?
- Make it your prayer to put away your "old self" and put on your "new self" in Christ.
Pastor Dave
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day 89...Prayer Changes Things
One time I prayed for a retired missionary who was in the hospital. It was a pretty safe prayer because the guy was getting better and things looked good. A few days later I heard that the missionary had suddenly gotten a lot worse and then died. That really rocked me - he was doing better and then I prayed and then he died.
What happened? Why didn't God answer my prayers for that man? Maybe when I get to heaven I will know why God allowed that man to die. But for now, I know that that incident had a big impact on me. It really humbled me in my prayers and changed the way I pray. I am not afraid to ask God to do big things, but I definitely don't feel like God has to do what I ask Him to do. I don't think that missionary died just so I could learn that lesson, but I do think that was part of God's plan in that situation.
- Think about something you prayed for that God said "no" to. What can you learn from that?
- As you pray about stuff, how can you show the attitude that Paul had - being content when God doesn't do what you want?
Pastor Dave
Monday, August 11, 2008
Day 86...Prayer Abuse
Prayer can be a tricky part of our relationship with God to figure out. Especially figuring out if God is likely to answer our prayers how we want Him to. We may never have an answer-o-meter to tell us if God will say yes or no, but He does give us a few guidelines to help us.
In John 15, Jesus tells us that our requests will be granted as long as we remain in Him. That's a huge promise! But we have to remember the other part...staying connected to Jesus. When our hearts (the things we love) and our minds (the way we think) are tuned in with Jesus' heart and mind, then we'll be asking for the things that He wants too.
The other major thing to remember is that God always does what is best and He has the only perfect perspective on things. We may not understand or even like what He chooses to do, but we can trust that it is somehow the best thing that fits into God's plan in our life.
- Is there some way that you need to connect more to Jesus in your life?
- Ask God to show you what's on His heart and mind so you can begin to pray more for those things.
Pastor Dave
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Day 82...Talking to a Star
I wonder if God ever feels used by us when we don't take time to talk to Him before unloading our list of requests. Does it make Him feel like our butler or a genie? I know that I have felt like I have treated God that way before. I'm not talking about those crisis moments where all you have time to spit out is "God, please..." I'm thinking of those times that I have plenty of time to talk with God but I dive right into what I want/need from Him.
Some of my favorite prayer times are when I don't ask God for anything. I spend time praising Him for who He is and thanking Him for what He's done and just talking about life. God wants us to bring our needs/wants to Him, but if those things are the biggest parts of your prayer life then you most likely are missing something really great between you and God. Take some time to set those needs/wants aside and spend time with God praising Him and thanking Him.
- Take 5 minutes every morning or night for a week and praise God for who He is and/or what He's done in your life.
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Day 81...Breathe
I really appreciated the analogy between prayer and breathing. It made sense to me. Most of us know what it looks like to do the occasional and intense time in prayer. And most of us have done some of the special CPR type prayers for someone in big-time need. But the third kind of payer that God says can be a continual part of our life...that one seems hard to really figure out. How are we supposed to always be praying?
Maybe some of the confusion is not really understanding what prayer looks like. A lot of people think that prayer should sound formal and use really good words. Who has time to do that between classes or just before a test?!
Let's think of prayer as more like a conversation than a speech. And this conversation never just has pauses in it. You don't need to get God's attention before you speak to Him because you're already in a conversation with Him. You don't even need to start by saying "Dear God," He's smart enough to know when you're talking to Him and He always listens.
- Try it out - say at least one thing to God between every class for a week. I bet you'll find it more natural than it seems at first.
Pastor Dave
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Day 75...Secret Service
Fear. We usually think of fear in only one sense - running away because something scared you so bad that you wet your pants. That would make Proverbs 9:10 a weird verse because it says that fearing God is a good thing. It makes a lot more sense if we understand that fear has more than one meaning.
1 John 4:18 uses fear in the sense of being scared - we don't have to be scared of God because He loves us perfectly. Yeah!
Proverbs 9:10 uses fear in the sense of respect and reverence. God is our Father and we aren't afraid of Him, but we must have a respect for Him because of His greatness and power and holiness. When we remember these things, we will see God more clearly and learn from Him and gain wisdom.
- What qualities of God make you fear (in the respect sense) Him?
- How will having this fear help you know God more?
Pastor Dave
Back from CO
Pastor Dave
Friday, July 18, 2008
Day 62...Busting Loose
Our nature is kind of like computer stuff. Before Jesus came into our lives we had one version. This version had a lot of bad stuff in it called sin. Stuff like selfishness, lust, rage, jealousy, and so on. We were controlled by those things and they saturated every part of us.
When Jesus came into our lives, it was like our programming was totally redone. We were given a new nature and the process of totally eliminating the effects of the old nature began. That process is like getting upgrades to our new nature - as we grow and understand and follow God more closely we are changed by Him more and more into His nature.
The trick is realizing our need for these upgrades and submitting to God so that He can do the upgrading. God has promised that he will keep upgrading us into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18 and Philippians 1:6). Keep your heart open to His work and allow Him to upgrade whatever He wants in your life.
- What's one area of your life that needs an upgrade from God?
- Pray and ask God to work on that area and to upgrade you more into His nature.
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Day 60...The Perfect Family
Today's devotional is really challenging if you stop to think about it. Most of us are really good at seeing when something can be better. In the first bite of a meal you immediately notice that salt would make it taste better. On the first day of class you immediately notice that your teacher would be better if she have that hairy mole on her nose. And you can easily see how your family (parents, siblings, etc.) would be better if only they would...
But here's the challenging part. We need to not only see when something can be better, we also need to learn to see how we can help it be better. Let's focus on your family. It's easy to see that something or someone in your family isn't reaching the mark of perfection (or even close to it). When you see this, is the first question you have "how can I help this be different?" For example...your brother is annoying you to death and you ask "how can I help my brother be less annoying? Punching him in the head is not a good answer, but asking him to help you do something or hang out with you may be just the right answer.
God says that He has set us free from sin (punching your brother in the head) so that we can serve one another in love. That "one another" includes the people you call family. As you see things that aren't good enough in your family, begin thinking of ways you can serve the people involved so that you are helping to make things better.
- What's one thing you know is "not good enough" in your family?
- How can you serve the people involved to help make it better?
Pastor Dave
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Day 57...In The Trunk
One of the interesting things about the Bible is how it puts a lot of responsibility on each of us. We live in a culture that is usually looking for some way to put the blame on someone or something else in any situation. These verses in Romans speak about this when they say to "do your part to live in peace" We can't control how other people act, but we can control ourselves. It's OK to feel annoyed or frustrated by someone, but it's usually not OK to react to those feelings. Instead, follow God's advice in verses 20-21. Do good to them and you just may see them change they way they act towards you. But even if they don't change you know that you have acted in a way that pleases God and He will bless you for that.
- Who do you have the most difficulty being at peace with (don't post their names here)?
- What's one thing you can do to "do good" to them?
Pastor Dave
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Day 54...Cinderfella
Sin is a crazy thing. It can take a minor situation and somehow make us respond in majorly bad ways. Sin has a way of getting into our hearts and minds and leading us down a bad path. That's what happened to Cain. God didn't accept Cain's offering (it never says that God was angry or rejected Cain...just his offering) and Cain let that grow into an intense anger/jealousy at his brother which led Cain to kill Able.
For some reason, that sibling relationship can be really difficult at times. It's so easy to let a little sin work it's ugly magic on us and lead us deeper into sin with our siblings. God's warning to Cain was a powerful one and it is just as real for us. Sin is waiting to pounce on us and we must beat it down so it doesn't overcome us. You may never kill your brother or sister, but consider Jesus' words in Matthew 5:21-22. Are you still as innocent as you think??
- What are the major things that cause conflict between you and your siblings?
- How can you fight sin and prevent things from getting out of hand?
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Day 53...Guess I'll Keep Them
Luke 2:40-52
It can be hard for students as your relationship with your parents changes. Especially for Jr. High students. You are in the weird stage where you really want freedom and control of things but your parents aren't totally ready to have all that. And the problem're both right. It's good for you to want those things, but your parents know that you're not quite ready for all that you want (and they're right!).
You can take a lesson from Jesus' life. When He was your age He submitted to His human parents and lived by their rules. He was a lot more ready for freedom and control than you are (He was Jesus after all) but He still was obedient to them and followed their guidelines.
You still need your parents and they still have a lot of help to give you. Be a blessing to them by obeying and respecting them and they will bless you with more freedom and control in things.
- What is the biggest area of conflict between you and your parents?
- How can you be more respectful and obedient in that area?
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Day 46...Which Row to Hoe
Because most of the people in Jesus' time were farmers or knew about farming stuff, the Bible uses a lot of farming analogies. Here's one of them in 2 Corinthians when it talks about being "yoked" together. God's not talking about's a farming tool to help two or more animals work together. Here's a picture to help you see what it means.

A farmer would put the heads of the animals through the loops so that they could work together to pull the wagon or the plow. The trick was that the yoke forced the animals to go in the same direction rather than pulling separately.
The point that these verses are making is that followers of Jesus can't be yoked with people who aren't following - we can't tie our lives to them too strongly. Some yokes are stronger than others. Obviously a friend is not as strong a tie as a husband or wife. God wants us to evaluate each of the ties that yoke us with others in life and be careful that we aren't being pulled off of the path that He is leading us.
- How do you think a strong tie with someone who doesn't follow Jesus can hinder your journey with God?
- Where should you draw the line when it comes to "yoking" with people who don't follow Jesus - friend, dating, marriage?
Pastor Dave
Friday, June 20, 2008
If you want to follow along with our mission trip, check out missionmexico08
Pastor Dave
Day 34...Redo your Attitude
I have to admit, when I first read these verses I didn't see the connection to the devotional today. I thought maybe they misprinted the verse reference...but then it started to make sense.
You see, it's normal for us to feel and think that other people have better lives than we do - they look better or have better stuff or get treated better. This usually makes us feel even worse about ourselves and just a little (or a lot) resentful toward the "better people." That's normal.
But here's the deal, when God comes into our lives, we stop being "normal" in the sense that we no longer think, feel, and act like we did before God entered our lives. That's what the verses in Titus were talking about. God changes us - not on the outside, but on the inside. God's not into plastic surgery to change the surface of our lives. He's into major transplant surgery to change our inside. He puts a new heart in us so that we see the world around us (including ourselves) the way that He sees it.
So, the next time you think "I wish my life was..." stop and examine your heart. Are you looking at your world through God's heart or your own?
- What is one part of your life you wish you could change?
- How can looking at it through God's heart change your attitude about things?
Pastor Dave
Monday, June 16, 2008
Day 30...Invisible
Some people are surprised to hear that I sometimes feel lonely on Sunday. They see me walking around the church talking to tons of people and laughing with them. But I feel lonely because I don't have many really close friends. For most of the people I talk with on Sunday mornings. those are the only 3 minutes I talk to them during any given week - that's not a very deep friendship.
I think Jesus was lonely at times too. Think about it. He was in heaven in perfect communion with God the Father and the Holy Spirit...and then He comes to earth. He did that because He loved us so much, but I have to think that Jesus missed His place in heaven with the Father and Spirit. Jesus knows what it is like to be lonely.
I know that you know what loneliness feels like too. The good news is - that's normal! We all feel lonely at times and wonder if anyone really cares. The better news is - God is always aware of every part of our life and no one cares more about how we are feeling or what we are going through. Jesus said in Matthew that God even keeps His eye on the sparrow (a really small bird) and we are worth a lot more than a sparrow to God so He is definitely tuned into our life. As followers of Jesus we are a part of God's family, and God always watches over His family.
- Knowing that Jesus felt lonely at times in life, how does that effect the way you pray to Him when you feel lonely?
- What would you say to someone who is feeling lonely and needs encouragement?
Pastor Dave
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Day 26...Bondservant
Slavery as we know it is not a good thing (in case you didn't know). But back in ancient times some cases of slavery weren't that bad. Think about Joseph in the Bible. He was a slave but he lived a comfortable life and had good thing going. There were even times that a slave would volunteer to stay a slave when they could go free (read the Exodus verses)!
I can't imagine wanting to stay a slave to another person, but I totally understand someone wanting to be God's slave. In fact, I want to be God's slave. I willingly give my life to Him. He's the boss in control of me. I can say that so freely because I know how loving, caring, compassionate, and faithful my Master is. I have nothing to fear in letting Him control my life.
- Like the Apostle Paul, do you consider yourself a slave to God?
- What are the good things about being God's slave? Are there any bad things?
Pastor Dave
Monday, June 9, 2008
Day 23...The Living Dead
Think of a house. A house that's totally falling a part and all run down. But then someone moves in and puts a Sold sign in the yard and starts rebuilding the house. Before long you can see the evidence of the new owners work. The house is slowly but surely being restored and you can tell that it's going to be beautiful when it's all done.
You are that house! He made us all unique and and gave us each of the qualities that makes Sadly, sin messed everything up and ruined what God had made. Now, God wants to reshape us into the person we were meant to be before sin twisted everything up. As we submit our lives to Him and live according to His plan, we'll see the best qualities in us come out and the not-so-good-ones will shrink away.
- What do you think is one of the good qualities that God is building into your life (it's ok to say something good about yourself!)?
- Pause now and ask God to help you live according to His plan and to keep working to restore your life to His original design.
Pastor Dave
Friday, June 6, 2008
Day 20...Total Weirdness
So...what should be visible to others? Read Matthew 22:34-40.
It's not how we dress or style our hair or even how we talk. Our love should be the most visible part of our faith. First, our love for God which should invade every part of our lives (including obeying His commands out of love for Him). Second, our love for others which should drive us to accept people and consider them more important than ourselves. Live this kind of love and your faith will never be invisible.
- Is there any part of your life that is not loving God?
- Is there any way that you are not fully loving the people around you? (hint: I guarantee there is; ask God to show you and help you be more loving)
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 18...Look Alikes
It is a fact that we become like the people we spend time with. Not too long ago, there was a certain comedian that I was listening to a lot because he made me laugh so hard. It wasn't long before I actually started to talk like him. People would even say, "hey, you just sounded like that comedian!" Because I was spending time listening to this guy, I was becoming like him in some ways.
How great would it be for people to say, "hey, that was something Jesus would have done" or "hey, that sounded like something Jesus said when..." I want to shape my life so that I look and sound more like Jesus and Galatians 5:22-23 is a great place to start.
- Which of the qualities in Galatians 5 do you most need God to work on in your life?
- Is there anything in your life that fits in the list of Galatians 5:19-21? Ask God to change you and take that away from your life.
Pastor Dave
Friday, May 30, 2008
Day 13...Demolishing the Wall
- If you know that you have already given your heart to Jesus and have eternal life, pause a moment to thank Him.
My own story of Jesus' forgiveness goes like this...I grew up in a Christian home (which means that we went to church a lot and my parents believed in Jesus) and I went to a Christian school so I learned a lot about God and knew just about everything a little kid should know about that stuff. But it was just stuff that I knew. When I got to 7th grade, I realized that God wanted more than just knowing stuff about him. God wanted a real relationship with me. I had the knowledge, but not the connection. At that point I asked God to forgive my sins, take the lead in my life, and He made me a part of His family (check out 1 John 3:1). At that point, God made me into a new person and He has kept at that job since then. I know He'll keep working on me to make me more like Him, and that is definitely a good thing!
- What about you...what's your story of Jesus' forgiveness?
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Day 11...Out on a Limb
I know that I need Jesus big time every day. Otherwise, I would be one big jerk! What about you?
- What do you need Jesus for the most in your life right now?
Pastor Dave
Monday, May 26, 2008
Day 9...Lost and Alon
In 2 Timothy 3:14-17 we are reminded that one of the primary ways God speaks to us and directs our new life is through His writings to us - the Bible. If we remember what we are taught and what we discover then we will know the path that God has chosen for us and we will be able to follow it more easily. You would never expect to find your own way out of a deep jungle without a map or guide. Why then do you think you can find your way in life without God's map for you?
- When and where can you set aside time to study your Bible?
- What has been helpful for you (like a devotional book) as you study your Bible?
Pastor Dave
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Day 5...On Your Mark
I just realized something new (for me) about these verses. I had always put the "things that hinder" and the "sin that entangles" together as one thing. But I think they are really two different things. The "things that hinder" are not sinful things, they just prevent us from running our race well. For me, wanting to kick back and relax can be a "thing that hinders" because doing it too much doesn't leave time to be with God. The "sin that entangles" is a little easier to see. I know that being selfish often leads to a lot of sin for me. My selfishness is like tying a giant weight to my feet as I run toward God - slows me way down!
Let's take God's advice seriously and throw these things off so we can run our race well!
- What part of your life has the potential to be a "thing that hinders" your race?
- What "sin that entangles" do you need God to help you overcome in your life?
Pastor Dave
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Day 4...Look out
The Bible teaches us that serving sin will lead to punishment and serving God (through your faith in Jesus Christ) will lead to eternal life. And the more we follow God, the more we'll love life (even if it's not always fun).
- How has serving God been the better choice in your life?
Pastor Dave
Monday, May 19, 2008
Day 2...snooze and lose
The bottom line for answering this question is your relationship with Jesus. If you know Him or are checking things out, you will find a lot more satisfaction and reason to be at church. But if you have decided that a relationship with Jesus is not important or you're just going through the motions of acting like a Christ follower, then you'll find better ways to spend your time.
What do you think - Why is church important or not important?
Pastor Dave
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Day devotion
- If you are going to live out Romans 12:1, what sacrifices do you need to make in your life?
- Are there obstacles keeping you from being totally devoted and committed to Jesus?