Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 86...Prayer Abuse

John 15:7-14

Prayer can be a tricky part of our relationship with God to figure out. Especially figuring out if God is likely to answer our prayers how we want Him to. We may never have an answer-o-meter to tell us if God will say yes or no, but He does give us a few guidelines to help us.

In John 15, Jesus tells us that our requests will be granted as long as we remain in Him. That's a huge promise! But we have to remember the other part...staying connected to Jesus. When our hearts (the things we love) and our minds (the way we think) are tuned in with Jesus' heart and mind, then we'll be asking for the things that He wants too.

The other major thing to remember is that God always does what is best and He has the only perfect perspective on things. We may not understand or even like what He chooses to do, but we can trust that it is somehow the best thing that fits into God's plan in our life.
  • Is there some way that you need to connect more to Jesus in your life?
  • Ask God to show you what's on His heart and mind so you can begin to pray more for those things.

Pastor Dave

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