Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 82...Talking to a Star

Psalm 18:25-36

I wonder if God ever feels used by us when we don't take time to talk to Him before unloading our list of requests. Does it make Him feel like our butler or a genie? I know that I have felt like I have treated God that way before. I'm not talking about those crisis moments where all you have time to spit out is "God, please..." I'm thinking of those times that I have plenty of time to talk with God but I dive right into what I want/need from Him.

Some of my favorite prayer times are when I don't ask God for anything. I spend time praising Him for who He is and thanking Him for what He's done and just talking about life. God wants us to bring our needs/wants to Him, but if those things are the biggest parts of your prayer life then you most likely are missing something really great between you and God. Take some time to set those needs/wants aside and spend time with God praising Him and thanking Him.
  • Take 5 minutes every morning or night for a week and praise God for who He is and/or what He's done in your life.

Pastor Dave

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