I really appreciated the analogy between prayer and breathing. It made sense to me. Most of us know what it looks like to do the occasional and intense time in prayer. And most of us have done some of the special CPR type prayers for someone in big-time need. But the third kind of payer that God says can be a continual part of our life...that one seems hard to really figure out. How are we supposed to always be praying?
Maybe some of the confusion is not really understanding what prayer looks like. A lot of people think that prayer should sound formal and use really good words. Who has time to do that between classes or just before a test?!
Let's think of prayer as more like a conversation than a speech. And this conversation never ends...it just has pauses in it. You don't need to get God's attention before you speak to Him because you're already in a conversation with Him. You don't even need to start by saying "Dear God," He's smart enough to know when you're talking to Him and He always listens.
- Try it out - say at least one thing to God between every class for a week. I bet you'll find it more natural than it seems at first.
Pastor Dave
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