Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 123...Get Real

Romans 4:18-21

Faith is sometimes misunderstood. Some people think that having faith means ignoring realities or being dumb enough to fall accept something without any real reason. But those people couldn't be more wrong!

Having faith in God doesn't mean ignoring the facts or realities. Look at Abraham in these verses. He knew that the facts said there was no way he was going to have kids. He was 100 years old - way beyond prime years for starting a family. Abraham didn't ignore the facts; he knew there was a bigger fact involved - God.

And having faith in God isn't falling for something without reason. Abraham knew he could trust God because of all the things he had seen God do. It's not dumb acceptance to trust someone after you have seen they have the power to do what they say they will do over and over again.

Having faith means accepting the facts of reality and knowing that God has the power to overcome those facts to make His plan happen.
  • What "fact" or "reality" in your life seems to big to overcome (parents divorce, moving to a new city or school, etc.)?
  • Pray and ask God to help you have the faith that He can overcome these things to make His plan happen in your life.

Pastor Dave

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