Sometimes you don't want to know how something is going to turn out. If you're watching a movie for the first time, you don't want someone to yell out how the movie ends. But sometimes, it would be really great to know how something ends. If you're in a fist fight (I've never been in a fist fight!) it would be really great to know if you're going to win. That would give you such a boost of confidence and encouragement!
You could think of our lives like a fist fight. We are in a fight to live by Jesus' values, a fight to put our sinful selves to death, a fight to help those that are suffering. And we can know how this fight is going to end...we WIN!! The Bible tells us that one day Jesus will return to this earth and He's going to defeat every enemy. If you're on His side, you win!
The Bible also tells us that He will never leave us or quit on us. So we are guaranteed that Jesus will never kick us off His team. Our part is to stick by Him. If we persevere (never give up) then we will be right beside Jesus when He is celebrating His victory in the fight. We might be a little beat up, but we'll be on the winning team and our eternal life will be worth the fight to get there.
- Have you committed your life to be Jesus' follower? If not, drop me an email and we can talk.
- Pray to God and ask Him to continue the work He is doing in you and to help you persevere in your faith.
Pastor Dave