Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 60...The Perfect Family

Galatians 5:13-15

Today's devotional is really challenging if you stop to think about it. Most of us are really good at seeing when something can be better. In the first bite of a meal you immediately notice that salt would make it taste better. On the first day of class you immediately notice that your teacher would be better if she have that hairy mole on her nose. And you can easily see how your family (parents, siblings, etc.) would be better if only they would...

But here's the challenging part. We need to not only see when something can be better, we also need to learn to see how we can help it be better. Let's focus on your family. It's easy to see that something or someone in your family isn't reaching the mark of perfection (or even close to it). When you see this, is the first question you have "how can I help this be different?" For example...your brother is annoying you to death and you ask "how can I help my brother be less annoying? Punching him in the head is not a good answer, but asking him to help you do something or hang out with you may be just the right answer.

God says that He has set us free from sin (punching your brother in the head) so that we can serve one another in love. That "one another" includes the people you call family. As you see things that aren't good enough in your family, begin thinking of ways you can serve the people involved so that you are helping to make things better.
  • What's one thing you know is "not good enough" in your family?
  • How can you serve the people involved to help make it better?

Pastor Dave

1 comment:

Lydia Burg said...

How we seem not to confide in our parents as much as we should
I can start by just talking to my dad. I tell my mom almost anything, but my dad...not so much. Our parents should be the second people/person we talk to about an issue (under God of course!)I really need to work on that!