Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 53...Guess I'll Keep Them

Yikes! It has been a while since I have blogged about the devotional! I want to be consistent with this because it's important to me. I need to get back in the rhythm of things.

Luke 2:40-52

It can be hard for students as your relationship with your parents changes. Especially for Jr. High students. You are in the weird stage where you really want freedom and control of things but your parents aren't totally ready to have all that. And the problem're both right. It's good for you to want those things, but your parents know that you're not quite ready for all that you want (and they're right!).

You can take a lesson from Jesus' life. When He was your age He submitted to His human parents and lived by their rules. He was a lot more ready for freedom and control than you are (He was Jesus after all) but He still was obedient to them and followed their guidelines.

You still need your parents and they still have a lot of help to give you. Be a blessing to them by obeying and respecting them and they will bless you with more freedom and control in things.
  • What is the biggest area of conflict between you and your parents?
  • How can you be more respectful and obedient in that area?

Pastor Dave

1 comment:

Lydia Burg said...

-Not being able to do all the things I want to do
-I guess I can be grateful for everything they already let me do, because I do A LOT!! :)