Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 13...Demolishing the Wall

These verses in Isaiah 53 are some of the most famous words about the Messiah. They were spoken hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus came to walk among us, but they spelled out what His greatest accomplishment would be. He would die. But not a quiet, peaceful death in his sleep as an old man. He would be crushed, pierced, beaten, and whipped. But He would deserve none of this. This would all happen so that you and I might be given forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus would pay the debt that we earned through our sin.
  • If you know that you have already given your heart to Jesus and have eternal life, pause a moment to thank Him.

My own story of Jesus' forgiveness goes like this...I grew up in a Christian home (which means that we went to church a lot and my parents believed in Jesus) and I went to a Christian school so I learned a lot about God and knew just about everything a little kid should know about that stuff. But it was just stuff that I knew. When I got to 7th grade, I realized that God wanted more than just knowing stuff about him. God wanted a real relationship with me. I had the knowledge, but not the connection. At that point I asked God to forgive my sins, take the lead in my life, and He made me a part of His family (check out 1 John 3:1). At that point, God made me into a new person and He has kept at that job since then. I know He'll keep working on me to make me more like Him, and that is definitely a good thing!

  • What about you...what's your story of Jesus' forgiveness?

Pastor Dave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I grew up as a PK, so i was always a fairly good girl. When I got to
5th grade, I started to hang with some girls who talked pretty dirty. I thought they were so cool, since they were a year older than me. Soon after that I started to talk like them and act like them, and at that time I realized my mistake that really affected my relationships. I asked God for forgiveness and also reaccepted him into my heart. If not for God, my life would be a mess!