Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 11...Out on a Limb

The cool thing about Jesus was the fact that He doesn't care what other people think of you. He's not looking to be with the cool crowd or the sports jocks or whoever you might wish you were. He looks at every person the same way - someone who needs Him. The fact is, every person is equal before God. We all need Jesus more than anything else in life.

I know that I need Jesus big time every day. Otherwise, I would be one big jerk! What about you?
  • What do you need Jesus for the most in your life right now?

Pastor Dave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I SOOO do need Jesus everyday! I just wish we could get out of the habit of using God as an umbrella, protecting us when it's raining, but when it's beautiful out, leaving him on the hanger.