Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 13...Demolishing the Wall

These verses in Isaiah 53 are some of the most famous words about the Messiah. They were spoken hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus came to walk among us, but they spelled out what His greatest accomplishment would be. He would die. But not a quiet, peaceful death in his sleep as an old man. He would be crushed, pierced, beaten, and whipped. But He would deserve none of this. This would all happen so that you and I might be given forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus would pay the debt that we earned through our sin.
  • If you know that you have already given your heart to Jesus and have eternal life, pause a moment to thank Him.

My own story of Jesus' forgiveness goes like this...I grew up in a Christian home (which means that we went to church a lot and my parents believed in Jesus) and I went to a Christian school so I learned a lot about God and knew just about everything a little kid should know about that stuff. But it was just stuff that I knew. When I got to 7th grade, I realized that God wanted more than just knowing stuff about him. God wanted a real relationship with me. I had the knowledge, but not the connection. At that point I asked God to forgive my sins, take the lead in my life, and He made me a part of His family (check out 1 John 3:1). At that point, God made me into a new person and He has kept at that job since then. I know He'll keep working on me to make me more like Him, and that is definitely a good thing!

  • What about you...what's your story of Jesus' forgiveness?

Pastor Dave

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 11...Out on a Limb

The cool thing about Jesus was the fact that He doesn't care what other people think of you. He's not looking to be with the cool crowd or the sports jocks or whoever you might wish you were. He looks at every person the same way - someone who needs Him. The fact is, every person is equal before God. We all need Jesus more than anything else in life.

I know that I need Jesus big time every day. Otherwise, I would be one big jerk! What about you?
  • What do you need Jesus for the most in your life right now?

Pastor Dave

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 9...Lost and Alon

The fact is that we are all lost without God in our lives. Some people don't realize their lost; they think their lives are going just as they planned, but they have no idea how lost they really are. Others have a pretty good idea that they're lost, but they don't want to be un-lost for some reason. For those of us that have taken that step and submitted our lives to Jesus, we know the great freedom and joy of being un-lost. We now have a reason to life and a purpose for our days here.

In 2 Timothy 3:14-17 we are reminded that one of the primary ways God speaks to us and directs our new life is through His writings to us - the Bible. If we remember what we are taught and what we discover then we will know the path that God has chosen for us and we will be able to follow it more easily. You would never expect to find your own way out of a deep jungle without a map or guide. Why then do you think you can find your way in life without God's map for you?

  • When and where can you set aside time to study your Bible?
  • What has been helpful for you (like a devotional book) as you study your Bible?

Pastor Dave

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 5...On Your Mark

I really like the analogy in Hebrews 12:1-3 because it's easy for me to understand and they inspire me. We're running a race, but we're not competing against other runners. In this race the winners are the ones that finish well; not those that finish first.

I just realized something new (for me) about these verses. I had always put the "things that hinder" and the "sin that entangles" together as one thing. But I think they are really two different things. The "things that hinder" are not sinful things, they just prevent us from running our race well. For me, wanting to kick back and relax can be a "thing that hinders" because doing it too much doesn't leave time to be with God. The "sin that entangles" is a little easier to see. I know that being selfish often leads to a lot of sin for me. My selfishness is like tying a giant weight to my feet as I run toward God - slows me way down!

Let's take God's advice seriously and throw these things off so we can run our race well!
  • What part of your life has the potential to be a "thing that hinders" your race?
  • What "sin that entangles" do you need God to help you overcome in your life?

Pastor Dave

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 4...Look out

It's interesting that we value freedom so highly and at the same time are bound to serve by our very nature. Some people refuse to acknowledge the truth taught in the Bible that all of humanity are slaves. We are either slaves to sin or to God (Romans 6:16,19). I will serve one or the other. You will serve one or the other. So the question is not "should I serve." The question is "whom will I serve."

The Bible teaches us that serving sin will lead to punishment and serving God (through your faith in Jesus Christ) will lead to eternal life. And the more we follow God, the more we'll love life (even if it's not always fun).
  • How has serving God been the better choice in your life?

Pastor Dave

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 2...snooze and lose

Today's devotion brings up a great question to think about - why is church important? There are a lot of times that I would love to sleep in on Sunday mornings and have a relaxing day. So, why should I pull myself out of bed and go to church? Don't get me wrong, there are some really good reasons to be at church, so don't expect me to say you should stay home.

The bottom line for answering this question is your relationship with Jesus. If you know Him or are checking things out, you will find a lot more satisfaction and reason to be at church. But if you have decided that a relationship with Jesus is not important or you're just going through the motions of acting like a Christ follower, then you'll find better ways to spend your time.

What do you think - Why is church important or not important?

Pastor Dave

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day devotion

Day 1 sets the tone for this devotional. God is calling us to be totally devoted and committed to following Him. Romans 12:1 calls us to make our bodies (our daily lives) a living sacrifice to God. In other words, put God's will and commands above all else every day in all that we do. Although their hearts and actions are totally twisted by evil and we condemn everything they did, we can note the level of devotion that the 9/11 attackers showed. In contrast, let us be equally devoted to showing God's love and sharing the gospel of Jesus and following His commands in our lives.

  • If you are going to live out Romans 12:1, what sacrifices do you need to make in your life?
  • Are there obstacles keeping you from being totally devoted and committed to Jesus?